Monday, May 3, 2010

Weird, Wild, and Wonderful - Cinema & Life

For a little over a year now I have been unemployed. I was laid off from a part-time job that I had for a little over two years. I tried to get another job; I applied for many graduate assistantships and anything that allowed me to work on campus. However, I only had about six months of graduate school left so I was turned down for every position I applied for.

For the time being I took it as a blessing in disguise because I was extremely busy with classes. And life... However, in my spare time I began a new past-time - MOVIES. At the time, I was an avid crafter. Scrapbooking, jewerly making, decoupaging, painting, sewing... The list goes on. So, adding movies to that list of "things-to-do" was an easy task. Too easy...

Soon, watching movies took over my life. Especially after finishing classes and moving to a new town where the only person I know is my fiance', whom I moved here with. I got to where I was watching two to three movies a day via the Netflix watch instantly option. When it got to the point that I was no longer seeing movies that I knew (and wanted to watch again) I began looking through the other genres that were available.

It didn't take long for me to fall in love with Indie and Foreign films. They are always describable in at least one - if not all - of the following adjectives: Weird, Wild, and Wonderful.

After watching about five of them (each) I decided to make a list of all the ones I watch so I can keep track of them and recommend them to family and friends. Now, I have decided to share those movies with all of you, blog readers. Now... What should I begin with?

PS. Just so you know, and you don't think of me as totally lazy, I have continued to desperately look for a job. So far, all of my applications and interviews have led to dead ends. God only knows why.  In the mean time, I keep watching films.   

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